The recorded history of Indonesia
dates back over 2,000 years. This is the 2nd Journal, covering events from the British invasion of Batavia in 1811. up to declaring of Indonesian Independence in 1945. We look at the impact of some of the larger than life players who were; involved in the European discovery of Borobudur; the take over by the Dutch again, the Diponegoro War; the rise of Nationalism in the 20th century; the Japanese invasion in 1942, and the events leading up to Independence in 1945.
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The Dutch East Indies size ~ compared to Europe

Dutch East Indies
Borobudur Buddhist Temple 35m high, after renovation Prambanan Hindu Temple 47m
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Fatahillah ~ conquered Sunda Kelapa in 1527 ~ renamed it
Asian and Dutch ships off Fort Batavia

Batavia Castle 1619 - 1809
Daendels Palace ~ Central Jakarta (completed 1828)
Governor Herman Willem Daendels (1815-1818) ~ by
Raden Saleh
Run Island Indonesia New York City
In 1667 upon signing the Treaty of
Breda the English swapped
Run for a Dutch outpost called
New Amsterdam nine thousand miles (14,480 km) away on the eastern seaboard of North America.
~ The English renamed it
New York.

Captain James Cook Lord Minto Major-General Sir Samuel Auchmuty

British Invasion of Batavia ~ 4 August 1811
Old Batavia
Jan Willem Janssens Sir Samuel Auchmuty
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Georgetown in Penang 1814
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Old College of Edinburgh University 18th century John Casper Leyden
St. Leonards College, St. Andrews ~ founded 1512
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St. Andrews College of Divinity ~ 1767 Scottish sheep
Malucca 18th century Urang-utang in trousers
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Leyden's ship pursued by French brigantine 1805
Gilbert Elliot ~ First Lord of Minto Agnes Murray-Kynynmond ~ wife of Lord Minto
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Fort Meester Cornelis
Yogyakarta Kraton with a pair of Dwarapala guardian statues
Lieutenant Robert Rollo Gillespie in front of Greencastle, County Down, Ireland 1791.
Greencastle is a royal castle originally build in 13th century. It was attacked and taken by
Edward Bruce in 1316, brother of Robert the Bruce, King of Scots [1306-1329].
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Colonel Robert Rollo Gillespie Fort Vellore mutiny 1806
Yogyakarta 1814
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John Casper Leyden's grave
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Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border The Lord of the Isles

Dr Thomas Horsfield John Crawfurd Colonel Colin Mackenzie
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Batavia c1780
East India House - Leadenhall Street London – 1817
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Thomas Stamford Raffles Olivia Raffles Maryanne Raffles
Alfred Wallace in Borneo Alfred Russel Wallace James Brook ‘White Rajah’ of Sarawak
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Indian Sepoys 1817
Susuhunan Pakubuwono IV Semar the jester-
he never makes mistakes
Sultan Hamengku Buwono III Stamford Raffles John Crawfurd
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Gurkhas 1815

Gillespie killed in action 31 October 1814 Statue Major-General Sir Robert Rollo Gillespie
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Batak warriors Javanese with Kris

The History of Java ~ published 1817 Shinta at Borobudur 2009
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Prince Diponegoro and the Goddess of the Southern Ocean
Mount Merapi volcano erupted 1822 Prince Diponegoro
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1830 Ali Basa Prawiradirja (Sentot) Dutch & Padris soldiers fighting over Dutch standard

Submission of Prince Diponegoro to General de Kock at Magelang 1830
by Nicolas Pieneman
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Autobiographical Chronicle of Prince Diponegoro Prince Henry of the Netherland
Diponegoro statue, Jakarta Diponegoro Tomb, Fort Rotterdam
Harvesting coffee Java Rice Farmers
Max Havelaar Eduard Douwes Dekker
Java Man skull Java Man reconstructed
Java Man skull was discovered by Dutch geologist
Eugine Dubois (1858-1940) on the banks of the
Solo River in
East Java in 1891. Estimated to be between 700,000 and 1 million years old, it was at the time of its discovery the oldest hominid fossil ever found and remains the
type specimen for
Homo erectus.
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Teungku Cik di Tiro Teungku Imam Bonjol Si Singamangaradja
Batavia 19th century
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19th century Javanese lady in Batavia Dutch colonials with their servants
‘Badung Puputan’ (ritual suicide or finishing) ~ Bali 20 Sept 1906
While Dutch soldiers preparted to attack the Badung Palace (now Denpasar), the King and his entourage dressed in white, committed ritual suicide. The Dutch then opened fire with cannon & rifles, massacring over 1,000 Balinese.
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Sitri Rahmiata Hatta Mohammad Hatta
(wife, married 1945)
Sukarno as HSB student 1916 Bandung Technical College 1929
Mohammad Hatta Tan Malaka Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo
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Dutch troops in Surabaya c1930

Emperor Hirohito Japanese soldiers ~ 1942 Dr Seuss ~ War Bonds
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Japanese troops entering Surabaya Japanese armoured vehicles in Jakarta 1942
[L] Jan O’Herne (Dutch citizen) aged 19, was forced by the
Japanese to become a ‘comfort woman’ in Semarang in 1942.
[R] Ms Jan Ruff-O’Herne at Amnesty International, Washington DC in 2007.
Jan made a new life after the war in Australia. She died 19-Aug-2019, aged 96.
Dutch East Indies comfort women
General Hitoshi Imamura - Commander of the
Japanese invasion army of the Dutch East Indies Indonesian comfort women
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Hiroshima after the atom bomb Nagasaki strike photo
Sukarno accompanied by Hata declares Independence in Jakarta 17-Aug-1945
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Brigadier Aubertin Walter Sothern Mallaby CIE OBE Battle of Surabaya Nov 1945
General Sudirman General Abdul Haris Nasution
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Dutch troops attack Rawagede village ~ 1947 Captain Raymond Westerling
Coronation of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Sukarno on his return to Yogyakarta from Banka
18 March 1940 is met by Hamengku Buwono IX - 6 July 1949
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Lieutenant-Colonel Suharto reports to Hatta and Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX
Hamengku Buwono IX that his forces are attending the Inter-Indonesian
ready to enter Yogyakarta on 1 May 1949 Conference at Yogyakarta July 1949
Lieutenant-Colonel Suharto Supriyadi President Suharto and Madam Tien
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Sukarno ~ President Sutan Sjahrir ~ Prime Minister Mohammad Hatta ~ Vice-President
27 Dec 1949 Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX (left front) sworn in as Defence Minister at Merdeka Palace
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Indonesian Vice-president Hatta (2nd left) and Dutch Queen Julianna at signing ceremony which took place at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam 27-Dec-1949. With the treaty signed, the Dutch officially recognised Indonesian sovereignty
President Sukarno at Istana Merdeka 29 Dec 1949

President Sukarno with World Leaders
1961 President J.F. Kennedy, daughter Caroline, President Sukarno -
1961 President Sukarno, Nikita Khrushchev - 1956 President Sukarno, Marilyn Monroe -
1960 President Sukarno, Fidel Castro -
1947 Sukarno - 1959 President Sukarno, Prime Minister R.G. Menzies - Sukarno's signature
Sukarno's nine wives
Siti Oetari Inggit Garnasih Fatmawati Hartini
Ratna Dewi Kartini Manoppo Haryati Yurike Sanger Heldy Djafar
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Risk History