We look at life in Britannia through the eyes of Roman legionairs and Britons during the Roman occupation of the first hundred years.
Some of the illustrations relating to the book
will be posted on this web site for your consideration and comments.

Britannia Bulletin Cover
Astutus ~ Company Clerk

Roman Centurion Vitalis ~ Astutus' father, Germania village 25 CE

Tamfana ~ Germania maiden, Astutus' mother

Roman wet nurse with Legionaires escort from Germania
(southwest Germany,
Switzerland and eastern France) to Rome 26 CE

Grandfather Messalla and Grandmother Olivia in Rome
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Scrolls, Wooden wax tablet, Codex

Didasko with Astutus ~ his 12 year old student
Battle of Teurtoburg Forest 9 CE -
The Romans made a desperate attempt to storm the Germanic wall
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Germanicus Julius Caesar
Germanicus Roman legions defeating Arminius forces at the
Battle of Weser River 16 CE

Roman Emperors:
Augustus Tiberius Caligula Claudius
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Roman Comander in front of his completed Pantheon - 20 BCE
in English stands for: M Agrippa son of Lucius, consul
for the third time, built this

Claudius found by the Praetorian Guard hiding behind a curtain 41 CE
New recruits basic training

Trainees of the Blue team leaving on their Simulated Raid

Signaculum - Roman ID Tag
given to Legionaires after basic training
Vercingetorix surrendering to Julius Caesar 52 BCE
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Astutus, Company Clerk at Boulogne

Everyone was standing and looking at the heavens.
Astutus was astounded to see a very bright object streaming overhead in the sky.
It was called a ‘shooting star’ - 43 CE

Roman Bavarian Cavalry crossing the Medway 43 CE

Roman elephants accompany
Emperor Claudius in Britannia invasion

Emperor Claudius entering Camulodunum (Colchester) 43 CE
Medics treating wounded Roman Legionaries
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Vespasian captures the Dorset hill forts 44 CE

Astutus with some of his Company Clerks 46 CE

Britannia Governors
Publius Ostorius Scapula(47-52 CE)

Caratacus leading Ordovices tribes in Wales against the Romans

Caratacus handed over to Romans by Queen of Brigantes 50 CE

Roman Legionair
Mish with his wife
Selma and son
Rufus visiting local shops
adjoining Burrium Fortress.
The sign
“Nova Tibi Bona” means “New - good for you” in Latin.

Funeral pyre of Messalla 58 CE

Druids with Female Furies on Anglesey 61 CE
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Boudicca with her daughters

Boudicca's Britons attack and destroy the temple of Claudius
at Colchester-Camulodunum 61 CE

Boudicca standing on her chariot encourages her great hoard
for a frontal attack on Suetonius Paulinus's legionnaires 61 CE

Legate Aulus Didius Gallus officially approves Astutus’
Extension of Service
Auxiliary infantryman -
Rufus 65 CE

Standard of Legio XX
Valeria Victrix
The god Mithras - popular in the Roman military

Nero and Agrippina, his mother, in front of Senate building

The Great Fire of Rome 64 CE
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Fortress Viroconium (Wroxeter) under construction 68 CE
Emperor Vespasian in front of partially completed Colosseum 78 CE

The Battle of Mons Graupius 83 CE

Britannia Village life

Inchtuthil fortress interior 83-86 CE

Governor Agricola at Vindolanda timber fort in Caledonia 85 CE

Deva Victrix fortress

Astutus teaching local lads Latin, imagining Didasko looking over his shoulder

Appeal to Astutus by Legio XX Company Clerks