the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Duncan MacDonald
Jakarta 30 April 2010
High cholesterol [ 1 ] is a serious health problem. It's a major risk factor for
cardiovascular disease which
of all men and a
third of all women will get at some time in their lives
[ 2 ]
Medical Myth: The healthiest cholesterol level you can have is
Medical Fact: If people didn't have any
cholesterol, men wouldn't produce
testosterone and women wouldn't produce
Without those, humans wouldn't produce the next generation
and the human race would become extinct.
So cholesterol itself is not bad. But having too much of the wrong type is bad
What is Cholesterol ?
Cholesterol is a fat, or lipid.
[ 3 ] If you held
cholesterol in your hand, you would see a waxy substance that resembles the very fine scrapings of a whitish-yellow candle.
Cholesterol flows

through your body via your bloodstream.
But because lipids are oil based and blood is water based, they don't mix. If
cholesterol was simply dumped into your bloodstream, it would congeal into unusable globs. To alleviate this problem, the body packages
cholesterol and other fats into miniscule protein-covered particles called
lipoproteins (lipid + proteins) that do mix with blood.
[ 4 ]
The fat in these particles is made up of
cholesterol, triglycerides and a third particle we don't need to discuss here,
phospholipid, which helps make the whole particle stick together.
Triglycerides are a particular type of fat that have 3 fatty acids attached to an alcohol called
glycerol – hence the name. The body needs
triglycerides for energy, but as with
too much is bad for the arteries and heart
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The two main types of
lipoproteins are
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and
HDL (high-density lipoprotein). These two particles are as different as night and day
Low-Density Lipoprotein – LDL In most people 60%-70% of
cholesterol is carried in
LDL particles.
LDL act as ferries taking
cholesterol to parts of the body that need it at any given time. Unfortunately if you have too much
LDL in the bloodstream, it deposits the
cholesterol in the arteries which

can cause blockages
and lead to heart attacks. That is why it is referred to as
"bad" cholesterol
High-Density Lipoprotein – HDL is basically the opposite of
LDL. Instead of having lots of
fat, HDL has lots of
protein. HDL acts as a vacuum cleaner sucking up as much excess
cholesterol as it can. It picks up the extra
cholesterol from cells and tissue and takes it back to the
liver, which either uses it to make
bile or recycles it
blood cholesterol level is determined by the sum of how much
cholesterol your body makes plus how much you take in from food,
minus how much your body uses up or excretes. Most evidence suggests our
higher cholesterol levels are a product of our
high-fat, high-cholesterol diet
Most of the
cholesterol carried in your blood is made by your
liver. Only a small percentage comes from the food you eat. But certain fats in your diet can cause the
liver to make unhealthy amounts of
cholesterol – particularly
saturated fats and trans fats. In fact these two foo d items do more to raise your cholesterol than the
cholesterol in the food you eat
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Catagorising Your Cholesterol & Trigliceride Levels |
Total Cholesterol Level |
Cholesterol Category |
<200 mg/dl |
Desirable |
200 - 239 mg/dl |
Borderline high |
=>240 mg/dl |
High |
LDL Cholesterol Level |
<100 mg/dl * |
Optimal |
100 - 129 mg/dl |
Near optimal /above optimal |
130 - 159 mg/dl |
Borderline high |
160 - 189 mg/dl |
High |
=> 190 mg/dl |
Very high |
Triglyceride Level |
< 150 mg/dl |
Normal |
150 - 199 mg/dl |
Borderline high |
200 - 499 mg/dl |
High |
=> 500 mg/dl |
Very high |
* The 2004 update to the NCEP lists 70 mg/dL as an optional goal for patients with the highest heart risk to strive for
Framingham Heart Study reports suggest that for men,
the total cholesterol/HDL ratio of 5 means average risk; 3.4 means about half average risk and
9.6 means double the average risk.
For women the ratios are
4.4 average; 3.3 half average and
7 is twice average.
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The good news is, for most people, if you do heart-healthy things you can
lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol and
raise your HDL (good) cholesterol.
Lifestyle changes such as
eating a diet low in saturated fat and exercising can help reaching your goal
If they are not enough, there are effective medications which help.
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