Culann (b 640 CE - ) was raised by one of the leaders of the Fianna in Ireland. After many adventures Culann later joined the Celtic church on Iona as a warrior monk. This historical novel is based on events taking place after the Synod of Whitby in 664 CE.
Culann and Fergus combine with Sister Fea to rescue and return a group of captured Picts to their homeland in the Hebrides.
Stop Press: The Culann Chronicles, Book 2 -
Picts' Plight
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Illustrations contained in this book are posted on this web site for your consideration.

The three voyages Culann took to release the Pict prisoners, plus Fea's rescue voyage
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Fergus with mother Serona. Serona briefed Brother Bec, before he sets off to Lindisfarne with Fergus.
"Fergus needs to learn to read & write. I want my son to have great knowledge."

Fergus stood, waited a few heartbeats then quietly walked off.“What’s got into him?” asked the student.“He’s a Pict you fool.”
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Brother Bryan related how the the angel, holding the glass book, whipped Saint Columba
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In the Hall of the Dal-Riata King
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Confrontation at Dunadd
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Sister Tamara with Sister Fea at Lios mor Infirmary
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“Keep still. Don’t move.” commanded Culann as he held up his right hand as a sign of peace to the silver haired warrior ahead of him. Fergus repeated this to the Picts but drew his sword. Everyone was aware of more warriors bearing spears and clubs emerging from the surrounding forest.
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Suddenly the silence was shattered as one of the Pict girls ran forward to a Pict warrior crying “Papa, Papa!”. The girl threw herself at the warrior, embracing him.
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Fergus vs the Red Deer on the forest trail
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Fergus was greeted by Brother Bryan, Culann and the celebrating clan of Poolewe
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Culann showed some of the young Picts how to construct a bellows to superheat metal. This was the first step in making a rudimentary 'Smith'.
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The Picts from from
Eilean a' Cheò (Isle of Skye) demanding the deer hindquarter as toll from the Iona currach. Meanwhile Fergus deftly destroys their boat.
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The Leader sliced viciously down where Culann was standing. But Culan slid easily to one side as the Leader's sword blade arced overhead
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Fergus and Culann rafting to get help for their stranded colleagues
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Brother Marcus grieving for the massacred monks on Eigg
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Culann and Fergus - Eigg aftermath
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"Fergus, Fergus, is that you?" Fergus looked around to find a slim blonde girl in a nun's habit. He recognised the young girl from Poolewe, Sinead.
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Sisters Tamara and Maia, laughing said to a distraught Fea "That's not a Ghost; that's actually Brother Culann and young Fergus, climbing up the hill".
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Culann and Fea - united at last
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The complete historical novel can be downloaded as a FREE e-book on Smashwords.
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Culann - Warrior Monk
Diponegoro War